Cannabissimo Coffee

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Gourmet Coffee

100% legal

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Gourmet Coffee

with hemp

100% legal

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Cannabissimo Coffee is a innovative drink that has a mix of the best grains of coffee that is slowly toasted and grounded in South America, Africa and India (Arabic 90%/Robust 10%)

Cannabissimo Coffee is infused with a mix of hemp flowers, leaves and seeds and it’s always newly toasted in Italy.

Studies and investigations that have been made over the course of 8 months have allowed us to obtain a product which is innovative and healthy for everyone with all the beneficious properties of hemp making it the preferred product for many.

Cannabissimo Coffee is 100% legal.

Its is an exelent way of enjoying the flavor of a delicious italian coffee while you benefit yourself from the excellent nutritional cualities and therapeutic cualities of Cannabis with an indistinguishable flavor.

When Coffee with Cannabis was made, a taste test was made with a small group of 10 people without telling them that is was a special coffee. Then they were asked if they liked the taste of the coffee that contains hemp. As a result, 9 out of 10 people said that the coffee was excellent with no special comments.

We were glad of presenting and offer you this revolutionary and innovative coffee and we are convinced that Cannabissimo Coffee will turn to be very popular for all of you.

It can be consumed on a daily basis during your lifetime since is 100% safe, natural and vegetal.

A perfect drink that promotes a optimal health and well-being during the whole day.

Omega 3, 6 and 9


100% Special Aminoacids

Why? Cannabissimo

Coffee lovers can enjoy an Italian gourmet coffee in their daily cups with the incredible healthy properties of hemp,
obtaining the most indistinguishable flavor and smell by the most demanding coffee specialist.


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Puerto Rico

Thanks Cannabissimo!!!
Since I’ve been taking it, it has helped me lower my stress




Delighted with the quality and flavor. The best coffee I have ever had and the best thing is that it is 100% healthy.



Los Angeles

I suffer from inflammation on the joints, I’ve been drinking it for 1 week and thanks GOD I came across this espectacular coffee. I can’t open containers with lids. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!