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Go to the shopOur bodies are designed with a complex biological system of endocannabinoids called the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoids are internal neurotransmitters based on lipids that are capable of combining with the endocannabinoid receptors located all over the body.
The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role on regulating a number of physiological and cognitive processes that include: memory, mood, pregnancy, fertility, apetite, prenatal development and the sensation of pain.
These are not the only functions that the endocannabinoid system play a role. The system also partakes in excercise. Each time someone voluntarily does physical excercise, the endocannabinoid system starts. The system helps release euphoria, at the same time that it has an element of control of our locomotive activity. It also has an impact on its prominence of motivation for rewards, which is our internal measurement in our bodies that decides how much energy and sacrifice is willing to give in order to put a goal that is trying to achieve.
In the endocannabinoid system, there are 2 primary receptors. These are called CB1 and CB2. The receptors that are found in CB1 are generally found all over the brain, the nervous system, the peripheral organs, the intestines and the tissues.
These receptorsare the main objective of the molecule of union in endocannabinoid called “ligand”, as well as the anandamide (neurotransmittor of fatty acids), THC.
The CB2 receptor has another set of responsabilities. These receptors are mainly found on white blood cells, the tonsils and the arm. They play an important role in the regulation of the release of cytokines.
There’s another primary endocannabinoid that contributes to the endocannabinoid system. This is the 2-AG. This endocannabinoid is active in both CB1 and CB2 and has its own mimetic phytocannabinoid which is CBD.The 2-AG and CBD play an important role in the regulation of the inmune system, the management of pain and the help on the functions of the inmune system.
CBD has an interesting way of interacting with our bodies. One could think that the interaction is direct, while it actually is indirect. It acts over the receptors CB1 and CB2 but it doesn’t directcly join those receptors. In exchange, these indirect actions towards the receptors activate the receptors TRPV1. These receptors are responsible of regulating the body’s temperature, giving an individual the perception of pain and inflamation. These receptors do not interact with one another, they also have an impact on the ammount of anandamide that the body produces.
The anandamide is a molecule in your body that takes part in the neuronal generation of feelings that we associate with pleasure and motivation. This molecule is known over time as the molecule of happiness for the results that it puts on our bodies and makes us feel these positive feelings.
The CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system, that helps with the homeostasis of the body, reduces inflamation and it helps on reducing the sensation of pain.
Some of the benefits that CBD provides when it interacts with the endocannabinoid system are: helps reduce the symptoms of abstinence to substance abuse, improves concentration, reduction in anxiety, combats acne, combats inflamation, combats bacterial infections, reducing nausea. These are some of the benefits that your body recieves when CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in your body.
When CBD interacts with the receptors CB1 in our bodies, it helps reduce the symptoms of depression, maintain normal blood pressure, reduce anxiety, reduce fear and paranoia, reduce intestinal inflamation, similar to the variety of benefits that CBD has for your body in general, there’s also a list of benefits that it provides when it interacts with the receptors CB1.
CBD has a couple of new functions of which works when it interacts with the receptors CB2. Tese are: promoting skin health, combat the growth of malignant, promoting good bone health, aliviating pain and related inconveniences, and helps on the renal function.
Although our bodies already produce endocannabinoids, the production of these can be affected with the things we do to our bodies on a daily basis. An external source of CBD can help our endocannabinoid system recover its full function or it might as well work above its full funtionality and leads to a healthier and more complete lifestyle.
Like any other coffee, it contains caffeine, however, Cannabissimo Coffee contains 20% less caffeine than a normal Arabic coffee and a 40% less caffeine in comparison with a robust coffee. The contents of caffeine varies on the method of preparation.
These declaration have not been avaluated by the FDA. This product is not destined to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any kind of illness.